"RedLine Customs," Simulation Game, 2024, Adobe illustrator & Twine
"Redline Customs" is a simulation game in which players customize a Honda S2000. The game allows players to select various parts, including bumpers, mirrors, wheels, and more, to build their dream car. Having owned an S2000 myself, I wanted to create a game that reflects my love for this car. Growing up, my brother was passionate about cars, so every weekend, our driveway was filled with cars and tools. He purchased his S2000 in 2018, and after dreaming of owning one myself, I finally bought an S2000 in 2023. I worked hard to afford it, and now, it serves as the inspiration for my work. The car community, particularly the S2000 community, is incredibly welcoming, friendly, and supportive. I created this game as a way to give back to that community. My goal is to share my passion for the S2000 with fellow enthusiasts and to inspire others to create their own cars using my artwork.​​​​​​​
Game Link: 
San josé State University - Digital media art bfa exhibition 2024
Participating in this exhibition, alongside 28 other students, my game exhibited in the Hammer Theatre Center on April 20, 2024.  

Exhibition link:

Using Twine to program this project, over 1000 active paths connecting each option to each other.  Due to the formatting of Twine, I was not able to have each singular part stack on top of the images repeatedly, so I manually created the 1000+ combinations, saved them as images, and put each one on a path.  To play the game, you choose the generation of the car, the bumper, side mirrors, wings, and hoods. Each stage is connected to each other, so the path combinations are visualized by the lines shown in the images of the program. 
None of these images were able to capture the full lengths of the paths.  With each of the seven bumper variations, there were four side mirror variations.  For each of the four side mirror variations, there were five wing variations.  For each of the five wing variations, there were four hood variations.  Thus, creating the combinations of paths was the most difficult part of this project.  

The part I enjoyed most was creating the artwork in Adobe Illustrator.  As someone that creates car artwork commissions and enjoys cars, the illustrations did not feel like work.  
Utilizing Illustrator's features, I started with the base of the car as the first layer.  From there, each part and their variations were their own layers as well.  This image does not capture all of the layers used to build the different combinations of the car.  
The shop background is inspired by my brother's friend's shop.  When I had first gotten into cars, my older brother brought me to the shop where him and his friends work on their cars together and hang out.  Now that I have my own car, it is a place I frequent as well, whether it is to fix up my car or to keep our friends company while they work on theirs.  

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